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Should I take upper division Human Anatomy?

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I have already taken A&P 1 and 2. This semester I am taking the Upper division Human Physiology, because I wanted to refresh and I didn't do well in A&P 2, which was basically physiology. I am submitting my application for PA school early summer. That means if I do take the Upper level Human Anatomy it won't even be on my application because I will be taking it in the fall. Would it be useful to take the upper division anatomy even if I have taken A&P 1&2 already? Or should I just save my money and take something else? I would greatly appreciate responses from PA grads and current PA students.

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I have already taken A&P 1 and 2. This semester I am taking the Upper division Human Physiology, because I wanted to refresh and I didn't do well in A&P 2, which was basically physiology. I am submitting my application for PA school early summer. That means if I do take the Upper level Human Anatomy it won't even be on my application because I will be taking it in the fall. Would it be useful to take the upper division anatomy even if I have taken A&P 1&2 already? Or should I just save my money and take something else? I would greatly appreciate responses from PA grads and current PA students.



No need to take the course unless it applies to your degree. If you received a C- or are uncomfortable with a C in A&P 2 then it might be worthy for a retake. Most programs require a C or higher. If not, don't worry about it, move on and do well in other upper-lvl science courses. Save your money and move on. Also, it won't be on your app, so it's pointless.



-You noted you wanted a response from PA students or grads. Sorry I'm a senior undergrad.

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No need to take the course unless it applies to your degree. If you received a C- or are uncomfortable with a C in A&P 2 then it might be worthy for a retake. Most programs require a C or higher. If not, don't worry about it, move on and do well in other upper-lvl science courses. Save your money and move on. Also, it won't be on your app, so it's pointless.



-You noted you wanted a response from PA students or grads. Sorry I'm a senior undergrad.


I completely disagree - no upper level science course will help you more than an advanced A&P except advanced path. Take it, you'll be very glad that you did.

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No need to take the course unless it applies to your degree. If you received a C- or are uncomfortable with a C in A&P 2 then it might be worthy for a retake. Most programs require a C or higher. If not, don't worry about it, move on and do well in other upper-lvl science courses. Save your money and move on. Also, it won't be on your app, so it's pointless.



-You noted you wanted a response from PA students or grads. Sorry I'm a senior undergrad.


Also totally disagree. Any upper level classes you take including A and P will help you in PA school, or at least make the amount of material less overwhelming knowing you have learned or encountered much of it in other coursework. Also, you can put courses in progress or planned on your CASPA application. So it will appear there, even though you will not have a grade for it.

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