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ED Scribe // Paramedic

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Hopefully I am not rehashing several previous posts, but just have a few general questions regarding my preparation/experience for the Fall 2015 class. I am currently a FT paramedic for a busy service responding to emergency calls. I have recently received an offer to work as an ED scribe for a busy local ED (+- 47,000 pts/year) that has midlevel practitioners working with physicians. From what I have researched, I understand that direct patient care is very beneficial, but also that work as a scribe could provide valuable insight into the day-to-day operations of an emergency department, specifically working 1 on 1 with a physician or PA. If I have the opportunity to transition from FT paramedic to part time paramedic and work primarily as a scribe, would you guys discourage that decision and suggest staying FT as a paramedic?

See if the ED providers will let you hop in their hip pocket for a day or two. I don't want to call it shadowing as you are very capable at integrating an advanced level. Two or three shifts will have you dialed in to what the PA role is at that ER.

Without question stay a paramedic. You are in a position to be directly responsible for your patient's life. If you want to move into the ER then try to find a paramedic position. In my area the local hospitals are using medics in the ER along with techs and RN's.


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