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Do I have a chance?

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I’d reallylike to attend a physician’s assistant program at a school in Illinois howeverI’m left guessing if I can even get into one. I have a Bachelors degree in Criminology,Law, and Society with an overall G.P.A. of 3.5/4.0. I want to begin taking myprerecs and am very interested in applying for Midwestern University but I can’tafford to pay for these courses if they lead me nowhere. My goal was either tobecome a Nurse Practioner or a Physician’s Assistant but I prefer the Physician’sAssistant route for various reasons. Anyone know if it’s possible to get into MidwesternUniversity with my background? I also have a small child to think about andparents to take care of so I could continue going to school but not for much longer,and again don’t want to waste time in lengthy chemistry courses for nothing. Iknow Midwestern’s average incoming G.P.A. is a 3.7. I also don’t have anyexperience in a hospital or patient setting, just a year of taking care of mygrandmother who was a stroke victim which changed my mind about my careerchoice. Any advice that could help my future application?



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