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Accidental death rate

Guest JMPA

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The year of these statistics is unknown.





(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.

(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.

© Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.


Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.


Now think about this:



(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S.

is 80,000,000. (Yes, that's 80 million)

(B) The number of accidental gun deaths

per year, all age groups, is 1,500.

© The number of accidental deaths

per gun owner is .0000188


Statistics courtesy of the FBI.


Therefore, statistically, doctors are approximately

9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.


Remember, “Guns don't kill people…doctors do!”



Almost everyone has at least one doctor.


This means you are over 9,000 times more likely to be killed by a doctor as by a gun owner!!!



Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.

We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!


Out of concern for the public at large, withheld are statistics on lawyers

for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention!


(¸´Happy New Year!!!¸*¨)¸


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I assume there is a much higher rate of purposeful deaths by gun owners or gun thieves than by physicians.




Few deaths by "Gun Owners"... and gun thieves aren't "Gun Owners"... they are criminals and thieves using guns they don't "own."


Write all the laws and ban all guns you want... "CRIMINALS" by definition don't care about the "laws" or "bans"...only LAW ABIDING folks care about them and therefore by default aren't the people killing/murdering folks.


The wolves are afoot and roaming the grazing fields, slaughtering sheep with impunity... sheep cry for help... unfortunately, this is AFTER they have de-fanged and de-clawed the sheep dogs....
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Few deaths by "Gun Owners"... and gun thieves aren't "Gun Owners"... they are criminals and thieves using guns they don't "own."


Write all the laws and ban all guns you want... "CRIMINALS" by definition don't care about the "laws" or "bans"...only LAW ABIDING folks care about them and therefore by default aren't the people killing/murdering folks.


"C" I luv ya man but the agenda isn't about truth or reality, as you know it's about control! We all know what control freaks MD's can be yet in spite of being perfect infallible beings.......the facts tell us different, just like the gun control advocates. "We" will just keep on insisting that ALL of the rights of LAW ABIDING citizens be respected as written in the base document for this nation. Molon Labe!!!

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The wolves are afoot and roaming the grazing fields, slaughtering sheep with impunity... the sheep cry for help... unfortunately, this is AFTER they have de-fanged, de-clawed and put shock collars on the sheep dogs... : - |



The total number of iatrogenic [induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures] deaths is 783,936. The 2001 heart disease annual death rate is 699,697; the annual cancer death rate is 553,251. (5)


It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States.


See Here

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