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Pacific University PA program

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Great!! I have questions about why you decided to apply there, other than meeting admission requirements? How does the faculty help the students succeed? And it's modular curriculum design is different from the other schools to which I have applied, do you think that is a strong point?

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The interview process, which I last participated in in 2011 (as a 2nd year student), is pretty straightforward. One get-to-know you interview, with a faculty member and a community PA who is often a program grad. One writing sample. Group presentations with Q&A, mingling with students, fellow applicants, and faculty. When I interviewed in the 2009-10 season, I liked Pacific and UNE's interviews the best. No tricks, no "gotchas", just an open and direct interview process, where they selected the class from the best 1/8th (or so) of the applicants.

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