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Hello Everyone,

I am a PA-C and an adjunct professor.  I have published a book to help determine if the PA profession is a good fit for you.  The book is for students that know they have what it takes but want an inside scoop to the profession and what types of personality traits enjoy the profession.  The book includes interviews from APP's and MD's regarding the profession and personal stories and insights.  Many of my APP friends and I have seen a need for a book like this in order to bridge the disconnect of our expectations and what reality demonstrated as our careers unfolded post graduation.  So here it is!

You can find the book on Amazon:



I wish you all the best!

5 hours ago, EMEDPA said:

This sounds like it will fill a much-needed niche. Too many students don't know what they are in for when they sign up to be a PA. It isn't for everyone. Thanks for writing this!


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