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I've been working with my group for a bit over a year now, and am starting to think down the road about maximizing what income I can. From what I've read online, many of the typical suggestions for add'l income streams talk about working PRN UC, telehealth, teaching or real estate.

What have y'all done or found that works specifically for EM? I'm not terribly interested in UC or telehealth b/c we're already seeing plenty of primary-care appropriate patients already.

I'd like to start formulating plan(s) so that I'm not necessarily having to work an excessive number of shifts per month later on in my career.

I've found that the most lucrative way to earn extra money is to pick up extra shifts or a PRN EM gig.  UC doesn't pay what EM does and is often harder.  Much lower acuity but much higher patient load.  I've been an adjunct assistant professor for the local university but found that it was much more work for much less pay than working clinically.

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