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I have never had lifeflight divert a case TO my rural, critical access hospital before. Pt with very complex PMH was initially seen by EMS for a CHF exacerbation, requiring bipap. Felt by scene medics to be unstable enough to fly to tertiary medical center 2 hrs away by ground. In the air, the pt coded and was intubated. They landed and the patient had ROSC. In/out of PEA arrest for 90 minutes with standard acls done, multiple pressors and pacing for bradycardia and hypotension, ekg done during period of ROSC showed no stemi.  When end tidal co2 hit 9 we decided to cease our efforts. Last shift here I had 2 codes with 1 save, so I am 1 for 3 this month. 

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2 minutes ago, EMEDPA said:

I have never had lifeflight divert a case TO my rural, critical access hospital before. Pt with very complex PMH was initially seen by EMS for a CHF exacerbation, requiring bipap. Felt by scene medics to be unstable enough to fly to tertiary medical center 2 hrs away by ground. In the air, the pt coded and was intubated. They landed and the patient had ROSC. In/out of PEA arrest for 90 minutes with standard acls done, multiple pressors and pacing for bradycardia and hypotension, ekg done during period of ROSC showed no stemi.  When end tidal co2 hit 9 we decided to cease our efforts. Last shift here I had 2 codes with 1 save, so I am 1 for 3 this month. 

WOW!!!Never let your guard down in Rural EM!

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