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Childhood Residency Section

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Hello! I submitted my CASPA during the second week of May but then I started seeing facebook posts in regards to how important it is to include a section for the childhood residency section. I submitted my application with that section blank because I felt that there wasn't much to say? I grew up in a suburban area in a condo with my direct family and that was pretty much it. Since I already submitted there is unfortunately no way to edit or ask CASPA to change it(Im assuming 😞 ) Do you think this would affect my chances at all? TIA

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If you didn't live in a low income area or have a fairly low income house hold then I don't believe it will be a big deal.  I'm pretty sure that's the main reason for it. Sometimes that along with being the first to go to college may give some people a slight advantage during application. Now I may be wrong,  but this is what I believe it was for.

Edited by TylerV
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