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COVID Summer Job (CNA)

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With all of this COVID-19 craziness, I am trying to plan my summer out and am not sure how to advance. I have asthma, and do not want to put myself in danger of getting COVID. However, I need the PCE hours this summer and it's the best time for me to get those hours. 

What do you guys know about the amount of protection in nursing homes? I know hospitals are having trouble providing PPE and so I am curious if anyone is currently working in a nursing home or has some insight as to how they are handling this COVID pandemic. 

Not getting those PCE hours this summer could really hurt my resume, but I would think PA admissions staff would take the COVID situation into consideration. Is there any other jobs that PA schools would favor that is not extremely high risk? Or, what else should I be focusing on this summer instead of PCE?


Thank you!

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Following! I am having the same issues. Quite honestly, nobody I know working in healthcare s receiving proper PPE. You can always focus on getting your pre-req's done this summer, which take priority over PCE. Maybe this summer you could just gain a certification for PCE, instead of going out on the clinical floor. 

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There is a major point that is being missed, when all of you that are in the process of applying are worried about your hours, your GPA (turning from letter grade to Pass/Fail), your volunteer hours, and so on. 

This is not something is affecting just you. This is affecting every single person living on the US soil, and almost every single person on the entire globe. The worries that you have now, were justified maybe in regular times. They are no longer justified in our current situation. Every single applicant is encountering the same difficulties which levels the playing field. 

To answer OP, if you have asthma which by default puts you at higher risk, stay home. Not only there is not enough PPE to go around, not only the amount of PPE you are provided varies from facility to facility, and literally from day to day, but if you are inexperienced (improper donning on/off the PPE) it can give you a false sense of security which puts you at risk, and everyone around you. Obviously, I don't know your level of experience, that may alter the calculations slightly. 

You should focus on anything and everything else that will keep you safe and most importantly, alive. There is no such thing as "low risk" anymore. Going to the grocery store is high risk. 

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On 4/7/2020 at 1:17 AM, Joemonkey said:

Getting PCE hours is worth dying for. I’m about to volunteer with SF and Ca COVID response team.

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on your job and your level of experience in that job. Otherwise you may be a dead-never-made-it-to-PA-school statistics. This is hardly the battle for a rookie. That's why all medical societies and hospital protocols encourage, if not require, that only the most experience of the providers deal with these patients. 

It is worth mentioning that California in general, and SF in particular have had the best response in the country to this pandemic. You can't compare SF to NY. 

And, if you make it out alive, it sure will look great on your resume. 

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