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Wanting to get into PA school, but low GPA

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Hello all! 
I'd like to apply to PA schools, but still have to complete the science pre-requisites. I don't know if I should apply to a post bacc program or if I should just complete the pre-reqs at my local community college. 
A bit of background - I completed my BA in psychology and have a 2.9 GPA in the last 60 units, however I have a 2.46 as my cumulative. I also completed a vocational nursing program and have my license to work. I have taken some science courses that are needed for PA school but unfortunately failed them (this was before I completed my bachelors). 
I know I have a low GPA, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to raise my GPA and to get into PA school. I know this is something that I want to do and I'm passionate about it. I wasn't the smartest kid and didn't think my grades would have this much of an impact but what's done is done. Please give me advice as to whether I should do a post-bacc or should do the classes at a community college. My main goal is to get my GPA to a 3.0. I know that it isn't competitive, but if I can get a majority of A's in the science pre-reqs I know it'll look good on my application. 
Thank you all for taking the time to read & reply to this post! It is much appreciated. 
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On 1/8/2020 at 7:32 PM, renusandhu said:
Hello all! 
I'd like to apply to PA schools, but still have to complete the science pre-requisites. I don't know if I should apply to a post bacc program or if I should just complete the pre-reqs at my local community college. 
A bit of background - I completed my BA in psychology and have a 2.9 GPA in the last 60 units, however I have a 2.46 as my cumulative. I also completed a vocational nursing program and have my license to work. I have taken some science courses that are needed for PA school but unfortunately failed them (this was before I completed my bachelors). 
I know I have a low GPA, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to raise my GPA and to get into PA school. I know this is something that I want to do and I'm passionate about it. I wasn't the smartest kid and didn't think my grades would have this much of an impact but what's done is done. Please give me advice as to whether I should do a post-bacc or should do the classes at a community college. My main goal is to get my GPA to a 3.0. I know that it isn't competitive, but if I can get a majority of A's in the science pre-reqs I know it'll look good on my application. 
Thank you all for taking the time to read & reply to this post! It is much appreciated. 

Don't give up! I am in a similar situation. We just have to make sure the rest of our application is incredible. GRE, LORs, hours/stats,a nd personal statement. I'm currently taking my prereqs at a community college. 

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