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Genetics online? UNE or Doane

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I am looking to take genetics online this coming winter break. As I will be home, I figured that I would like to take it online. I have taken a course at UNE, but I want to see if there are opinions out there on Doane vs UNE. I have signed up for a biochem class at Doane over spring semester due to the amazing reviews for that class.


SO, Let's talk. Genetics at UNE or Doane better? What was your experiences?!

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  • 4 weeks later...


I am currently taking genetics with Doane. It is actually the last week of class. The course is pretty simple and as long as you do the required readings/videos you should have no problem getting an A. The professor really has your best interest and replies to emails super quickly. There is a required book that was like $25 to rent it from amazon. I have an A in the class and if I am completely honest I could have put in more effort. Quizzes are easy let's hope the final is just as easy.

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  • 8 months later...

Did you finally choose between Doane vs UNE?

I'm currently taking Anatomy 1 at UNE, and while the textbook is great and the class is doable, I HATE that the midterm and final count so much of the final grade. And the exams are tough. I'm getting ready to take my final soon and I'm having a nervous breakdown because I want to pass with at least a B. 

I'm looking into taking some pre req's for PA schools such as physiology and biochem. I hear good things about Doane. Anyone have experience in these courses?

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On 8/8/2020 at 11:06 AM, CaryValdes said:

Did you finally choose between Doane vs UNE?

I'm currently taking Anatomy 1 at UNE, and while the textbook is great and the class is doable, I HATE that the midterm and final count so much of the final grade. And the exams are tough. I'm getting ready to take my final soon and I'm having a nervous breakdown because I want to pass with at least a B. 

I'm looking into taking some pre req's for PA schools such as physiology and biochem. I hear good things about Doane. Anyone have experience in these courses?

I took Histology @ Doane in May.  Great course.  Challenging and they made sure to promote group interaction.  I felt I learned a lot.  Currently taking Anatomy, Biology 2 and Genetics through Doane.  They're regionally accredited and the courses are 8 weeks in length.  Very challenging accelerated courses.  Instructors are responsive and helpful.

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On 8/10/2020 at 5:56 PM, JuliaC said:

I took Histology @ Doane in May.  Great course.  Challenging and they made sure to promote group interaction.  I felt I learned a lot.  Currently taking Anatomy, Biology 2 and Genetics through Doane.  They're regionally accredited and the courses are 8 weeks in length.  Very challenging accelerated courses.  Instructors are responsive and helpful.

This is great to hear! thanks so much for your input. I'm definitely going to try my next few courses there. I like a challenge, but I also want to have interaction. Seems like a good fit 🙂

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