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Tutor for the GRE: Is it worth it?

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Hello my fellow pre-PAs or you PA-S and PA-C out here:). I’m excited for my first question for you guys. I’m really torn whether or not I should get a tutor for the GRE for the span of 2 months of studying. The price is $1600, the company is called Varsity Tutors. I did my research, and they have good reviews. 

A little bit of background: I took the GRE 2 years ago with minimal amount of studying. That being said my score was 284. My goal is 306+. 

I’m undecided on what to do. Any input is definitely appreciated. 

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Just my two cents: this doesn't seem worth it. $1600 is a pretty penny! In my experience applying this year, my GRE score was on the lower side  (302), and it did not seem to matter much in my admissions decisions. If your cGPA and sGPA are high, and you have quality PCE/HCE, I think that anything over 300 will get you in the door. If you want to pay for something, there are tons of free/lower cost online prep options. I used Magoosh- can't remember the exact price but it certainly wasn't over $1000. 

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In my opinion, it is not worth it. I took a similar approach the first time I took the GRE and while I do think tutors/prep courses actually help boost your score in most cases, it is typically not worth the extreme price. Studying on your own with the right prep materials should be enough to score a 300 or higher. In my case, I studied on my own the second time I took it, using only the Kaplan prep books (less than $100 combined) and scored higher than I did with the $1300 prep course. Studying at your own pace at a cheaper price is the better option in my opinion. Good luck!

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