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Great Article on PA

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16 minutes ago, Lightspeed said:

One of the posters, wrote something disparaging that was stigmatizing mental illness. I called him on it and reported the post. Ventana covered for him by deleting the post. I kept screen shots. 

Lightspeed has been warned numerous times on posting off topic

he/she has been banned for not following guidelines

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Lightspeed may say things that piss many PA's off. However, what he/she says is often the bitter truth. The truth hurts, what you gonna do about it?!!! The remarks are sometimes a slap in the face, but PA's have needed a slap to get moving on title and independence progress. So his/her remarks may be a good motivator to get some folks PO'd enough to do something about the future of the PA  (Medical Practitioner, Medical Science Practitioner….what ever new title may be) profession. My, not so old, two cents!

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Hope2PA - that  was the hardest part - I solidly agreed with a lot of what he was saying

this is my post summed it up for me


After a great amount of thought and deliberation and then his most recent personal attacks and refusal to keep his posts on topic(I removed the all posts to not show bias in a thread I started congratulating a VT PA in Derm).  This was even after being warned by another moderator.  I hit the wrong button (never have I had to ban someone) and this has since been corrected.  I apologize.

I personally struggled with it a lot as I agreed with a lot of what he was saying. He made great points about professional independence and had some interesting insight into political advancement.  Unfortunately he was unable to voice these opinions with out making personal attacks and derailing almost every thread onto a different topic which almost exclusively was that NP are independent and we are not.  Also personal attacks and not respecting other peoples view points are not the way to a discourse which is inclusive and helpful.

Most of his posts have been restored as he did bring up many good points, it just how the message was delivered makes a difference. 


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