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I applied to 13 schools, some high (Stanford, Yale) and some that I think I would be the most competitive. I have 2 interviews next month, rejected from 2, and absolute silence from the rest. How does everyone deal- the anxiety is killing me?! Is my application just being rolled over since not being outright rejected? Or do schools typically reject at the very end after interviews?

cGPA: 3.61

sGPA: 3.75

Volunteer: 50 hours 

PCE: 6000 to date, but I work full-time to fulfill this. 

GRE: 306

Several extracurriculars in college, including teaching for 4 years and research for 2. Currently on ~10 publications, including journal articles. 



Edited by brynt
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12 minutes ago, Patricia5827 said:

I applied to 8 and haven’t heard from any haha, but all their deadlines aren’t until like December. You already have interviews I wouldn’t worry! 

5 of mine have deadlines later than november (all the way until march 2020), so i’m not so much worried about those, but the rest!

i guess i am just not very good at waiting 🙂

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Brynt we are all in similar situations and yes its driving me crazy as well.    I have had interviews at some schools and already received decisions, have had some interviews and heard nothing, have programs that are doing rolling interviews and have not heard anything on if interview will be offered and still have at other school interviews this month and next.....I've heard from some Aug 2020 program starts yet have not heard anything from others and still interviewing for May program starts.


I guess they all have their own pace and we have to stress it out.

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