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GRE- Unofficial scores for schools that don't require it

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Hey everyone! I noticed that my GRE score shows up on my application in CASPA even for programs that don't require it. Is this because it's my unofficial gre score? Or do they not see it at all ? I didn't send it to schools that don't require it, obviously..but i see it as "unofficial gre score" on my application. I thought programs only saw official scores. 


Thanks in advance! 

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18 minutes ago, paPassion7 said:

If you entered in your unofficial scores then all programs you applied to will see that. The only schools that will see your official scores are the ones you designated through ets. 

So, I shouldn't have entered them? What a stupid mistake on my part, I thought I had to. My unofficial and official scores are the same. I just thought i had to self report on top of sending them. I didn't do great on the math portion and now i'm afraid that even programs who don't require it will see it and take it into consideration. 

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@rfo1234I've read on some GRE-requiring schools websites that they 'prefer' applicants enter in their scores unofficially, I'm not exactly sure why. I don't think you technically have to enter your unofficial scores. I made that same mistake last year! This year I entered my unofficial scores but that was because I retook it and did better. I don't think it's really going to hinder your chances much, so I wouldn't stress about it!

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3 minutes ago, paPassion7 said:

@rfo1234I've read on some GRE-requiring schools websites that they 'prefer' applicants enter in their scores unofficially, I'm not exactly sure why. I don't think you technically have to enter your unofficial scores. I made that same mistake last year! This year I entered my unofficial scores but that was because I retook it and did better. I don't think it's really going to hinder your chances much, so I wouldn't stress about it!

It wouldn't be fair on the programs part to take into consider my GRE score if they don't require it, correct? In addition, anyone can self report a higher score and if they aren't receiving official ones then that can't verify that it's accurate. 

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