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Hey. Yep, got the campus preference sheet and sent it back. And actually, just got my invite letter in the mail today! Interviewing on Nov. 1st and I can't wait. My CASPA app didn't go out until July 9th, so I was worried I've have a longer wait. Congrats and good luck on the interview. Are you from the area?

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Hi CAStates I'm in the State College area, so it's 30 miles to the main campus for me. Currently taking a class at the Clearfield campus and I'm hoping I don't have to make that drive everyday (but will do whatever I have to!). I like the facility in Clearfield. It's small but nice. Good luck to you on your interview. It's right around the corner!

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I'm sure you'll do great. I think if you read the info on this web site from previous interviewees, you'll have a really solid idea of what to expect. And I can tell you from my experience taking classes there, Lock Haven has some great staff, very knowledgeable and very welcoming. I think you'll find them easy to speak with. Best of luck and we'll all be looking forward to your update! Dusty

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  • 2 weeks later...

My interview yesterday went pretty well I think. I loved the program. I was a little disappointed that they don't have true rolling admissions. I guess they only admit about 10% of people per interview class immediately, and then everyone else that they like, they put on a waiting list for a final review, which isn't until February. There were some people with pretty impressive backgrounds there, so I may be waiting until winter to hear anything official.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Testify Sister! I'm fairly mellow now, a day later. A couple of the PAs I work with at the hospital were very chill about it and said not to worry and that's it's typical (as did my advisor at Lock Haven). I had to remind myself that very few get the quick in letter and that most (65-68?) have to wait and suffer like us! Hang in there!

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