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Long Distance During PA School

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SO is pharmacist on west coast, I got an acceptance on the other coast. I was thinking of going getting the program done (24 months) and coming back. She thinks she will afford to be able to come see me once a month. We ultimately want to move back here, but I don't know if she will still be able to get a job at that point (pharm). Does long distance work during school?

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SO is pharmacist on west coast, I got an acceptance on the other coast. I was thinking of going getting the program done (24 months) and coming back. She thinks she will afford to be able to come see me once a month. We ultimately want to move back here, but I don't know if she will still be able to get a job at that point (pharm). Does long distance work during school?

You will read a lot about this issue.

To my thinking, going away to PA school is not unlike having a job that sends you out of town, or being deployed in the military. All these situations can cause strain and relationships last or they don’t. If it lasts: great. If it doesn’t, it’s probably good to find out now, before all the challenges couples can face over the long haul.

It will be an adventure. Knowing that your SO is going to visit should help.

Good luck!

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I definitely have a lot of respect for the people who have and are doing it now. I thought it was always something that you should swear off as doesn't happen, but sometimes you don't have too much of a choice. 

Thank you for your response its definitely a good way of looking at it.

Any other opinions out here?

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Just based on my class, only anecdotal here.  If married in long distance (several states away) has worked.  Not married and several states away hasn't worked.  Some people married that are 4-5 hour drive may go home IF there is a long weekend and have made it work.  Seen a long distance engagement end.  

Will depend.  Some people aren't cut out to be long distance and need constant attention, will have to find out if you and who ever you are with are emotionally capable.  

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