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Experience Section: chronological or random?

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Hey guys! 

 Good luck to those applying this cycle! 

Pertaining to the experience section, I put my most important experience first and now it is last on my list. Does CASPA randomly organize these? Does it even matter? I have been told to put the most important ones first...

Also, under this section, the tab "type of recognition" is stumping me. If shadowing or leadership experience does not count as "compensated, volunteer, or received academic credit", what do I put? It is starred so I have to put one of them.





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CASPA arranges it in chronological order from most recent experience to oldest experience. I should clarify, it arranges it by start date, so even if you are still currently doing something, if you started it years ago it will be lower on the list. Shadowing and leadership experience would be considered volunteer if you didn't get paid or receive academic credit, which I'm assuming you didn't. 

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Hey guys! 
 Good luck to those applying this cycle! 
Pertaining to the experience section, I put my most important experience first and now it is last on my list. Does CASPA randomly organize these? Does it even matter? I have been told to put the most important ones first...
Also, under this section, the tab "type of recognition" is stumping me. If shadowing or leadership experience does not count as "compensated, volunteer, or received academic credit", what do I put? It is starred so I have to put one of them.

If you didn’t get paid and did not receive additional academic credit for an activity, you volunteered. That includes shadowing, though CASPA has a place in the app for shadowing, as I recall.

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