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How to list work and volunteer hours for caspa

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I just had a few questions about how I should list volunteer hours on my CASPA application.


1. I volunteered as a candy striper in high school and accumulated ~300 hours. Should I list this on my application because it shows my dedication to the healthcare field? Or should I refrain from including activities that I completed prior to college?


2. I completed a field study at a childcare center in college. Basically, I was a teacher's aide for the children there. I wasn't paid, as it was part of a class, but I still completed ~100 hours of work. Should I list this under community service?


3. Finally, some program websites list their Patient Care Experience hours in more general terms than the CASPA application. For example, one school's website has a minimum 100 hour requirement for direct patient care, but states that, "Direct patient health care experience can be in many forms, including, but not limited to, a paid or unpaid position as a health care provider in another profession, a paramedic or an EMT, a medical assistant, shadowing a Physician Assistant, a hospital volunteer, or any other circumstance where there is direct face-to-face contact in a patient care environment."


Should I, then, list my hospital volunteer experience as Patient Care Experience? Or should I follow the guidelines made by CASPA and hope the school still recognizes it as part of the requirement?


P.S. I do have additional HCE working as a phlebotomist, but I still want to log all of the hours I've earned.


Thank you!

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