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math major transfer considering PA cant decide what UC school to go

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Hi guys, 

so I am currently second year at a cc and is transferring soon for fall 2019. Though my interest is math, it was just recently that I found PA would be the career congruent with my personality and value, and i have made my mind to give it a try. I am accepted into UCI, UCLA, UCB for math major except UCLA for financial actuarial science. I have not done any volunteering/shadowing hours nor taken any PA pre req classes except one year of chemistry and AP bio.... My plan is if I go UCI I can more likely handle science pre req along with upper division math classes, and also, I am accepted for regents and CHP with research guaranteed. LA and Berkeley are great schools but I don't know if its going to help me pursing PA. Do school name matters when applying PA school? Am I be too late to the game?

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Hi guys, 
so I am currently second year at a cc and is transferring soon for fall 2019. Though my interest is math, it was just recently that I found PA would be the career congruent with my personality and value, and i have made my mind to give it a try. I am accepted into UCI, UCLA, UCB for math major except UCLA for financial actuarial science. I have not done any volunteering/shadowing hours nor taken any PA pre req classes except one year of chemistry and AP bio.... My plan is if I go UCI I can more likely handle science pre req along with upper division math classes, and also, I am accepted for regents and CHP with research guaranteed. LA and Berkeley are great schools but I don't know if its going to help me pursing PA. Do school name matters when applying PA school? Am I be too late to the game?

School name is generally not a big driver. You are not too later but will need to take time to meet the other requirements. Shadowing early is a good idea for several reasons, including being sure the profession is for you.

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The Ucla hospital has a cope scholar /clinical care extender volunteer program that could open a lot of doors for you to experience different units at the Ronald Reagan hospital and Santa Monica hospital - the UCLA hospital at both locations only have 2 pas in the hospital all others are nps though (i found out the hard way back in 2015) 

UcB has a 16 week semester system which gives you more time to study but uci/la... The classes go by really quickly in a 10 week quarter there's just a midterm and final so by the time you get into the material the quarter is already over... Might be harder to protect your gpa. 

From my experience the candidates that I've met at California pa School interviews and the from the accepted class have graduated from UCLA/cal from the introductions at the beginning of the interviews feel free to msg me with any questions choice is ultimately up to you

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