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It sounds like you 1) don't have any PCE 2) don't have much healthcare experience at all (ER volunteering is good but you're seeing the very tip of the iceberg) 3) haven't had any encounters with a PA. As a result, this reads very hypothetical ("I am confident that by working as an ER Technician or Medical Assistant full-time I will be able to learn about the kind of provider I wish to be" is a great example). Honestly, it sounds like you're trying to apply too early. When you're ready to apply, statements like "my role as an xxx sparked my desire to accomplish x, y, and z as a PA" will come naturally. If I'm wrong, great! But your personal statement needs to reflect your experience with concrete statements about why you want to be a PA *and* the experiences you've had (not the ones you plan to have) that led you toward this career. Good luck!

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Thanks! I've worked as a PT Aide and am about to start my new job as an ER Tech.  I was told not to list experiences or include them since they're in my resume, so that's why they aren't in there.  I wasn't sure how to explain my motivation for becoming a PA without them, so that's why it sounded dull and awkward.  Thanks for the help!

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2 hours ago, dottie7 said:

Thanks! I've worked as a PT Aide and am about to start my new job as an ER Tech.  I was told not to list experiences or include them since they're in my resume, so that's why they aren't in there.  I wasn't sure how to explain my motivation for becoming a PA without them, so that's why it sounded dull and awkward.  Thanks for the help!

You should definitely include your experiences as a PT aide to show you have patient care. Listing them as they’re listed in your resume is a no, but telling your experiences that reveal qualities about you that’ll make you a great PA is a good idea. 

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^absolutely right. Don't waste a whole paragraph saying "as a PT Aide my responsibilities included..." but definitely *do* talk about the experiences that led you to PA school! I'd encourage you to read examples of personal narratives online (I found PA and medical school essays helpful) and as you read, make a note of what draws you into certain essays. Then you can use those strategies (being careful not to plagiarize) in yours!

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36 minutes ago, nichole96 said:

^absolutely right. Don't waste a whole paragraph saying "as a PT Aide my responsibilities included..." but definitely *do* talk about the experiences that led you to PA school! I'd encourage you to read examples of personal narratives online (I found PA and medical school essays helpful) and as you read, make a note of what draws you into certain essays. Then you can use those strategies (being careful not to plagiarize) in yours!

That's great advice! Thank you.

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