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Reapplicant question!

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Hi all,

This will be my 2nd time applying. I'm kind of having a hard time answering the please briefly describe how you have strengthened your application since previously applying questionLast cycle, I kind of lacked in the PCE department and struggled with finding LORs. This time around I do have a lot more hours and managed to find really good LORs from working alongside clinicians all day. Do you think stating that will suffice? I feel like others have done a lot more within the past year like research and stuff, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to do something like that. 

Your responses will be greatly appreciated!

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I think your theme here is "a lot more hours of PCE."

That is often the area where applicants are weak at, you recognized it and took action. Don't talk about better LORs; that's just the natural consequence about your improvement in PCE. "Additional research" is pretty much a non-issue. 

Assuming your grades didn't need help (hard to do after everything has been taken at least once), you did the right thing and have no reason to apologize.

Good luck!

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On 4/27/2019 at 3:18 PM, UGoLong said:

I think your theme here is "a lot more hours of PCE."

That is often the area where applicants are weak at, you recognized it and took action. Don't talk about better LORs; that's just the natural consequence about your improvement in PCE. "Additional research" is pretty much a non-issue. 

Assuming your grades didn't need help (hard to do after everything has been taken at least once), you did the right thing and have no reason to apologize.

Good luck!

Thanks so much for your advice!

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