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Another hours question...

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So...I'm not an idiot. When we submit our health care experience, we submit the start and end dates, and the total hours worked. From this, you could for sure figure out the average hours worked per week. Why then does it ask us to put the average hours per week?? Is it just to show we can do mental math?


I would like to use it to show that most weeks I worked, say 20 hours, at a part-time job. Some weeks at the beginning and end of the position, however, I worked more like 5-10 hours per week. In this case, even though the math wouldn't show the average to be 20 hours a week, most weeks it was 20 hrs anyway. It would paint a better picture of the amount of time I spent at the position. Is this permissible? If so, I feel like there is a better way to word it than "average hours per week".

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