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Should I retake the GRE??

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I just took the GRE and got a 301, I am really struggling on whether or not I should retake it.

Also would like some insight on whether or not I should apply this year - where should I focus my efforts over the next month or two?

Here are my other stats -

cgpa - 3.74

sgpa - 3.48

Biology and Studio Arts double major ('16)

~1,200 PCE hours as a CNA in a childrens hospital and outpatient orthopedic surgery center (by June)

2 medical mission trips, planning a third for sept/nov

division 1 college athlete

1,500 hours surgical research experience

600 hours volunteering as an artist in healthcare in a cancer center/children's hospital, and as an artist in an adolescent treatment center

12 hours shadowing (still working on finding more)

other weird things about me:

- I paint (donate my work) for my alums scholarship auction every year, I donated a mural to our school biology department

- I was a group fitness instructor for 11 months, and led our member base through a 4 week intensive nutrition challenge






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I think your stats look good, you should definitely apply this cycle. Apply to schools that look at the application more holistically rather than just the GPA. You have two more months so yes retake the GRE. Over the summer also try to boost up your science GPA or your prereq GPA. Let the interviewers know you are continuing to improve your application. If you can, try shadowing multiple PAs in different fields, especially family medicine.  

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