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How to get a LOR from a PA

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I am having trouble finding a PA to build a relationship with in order to get a LOR. Most schools require or at least prefer a letter of rec from someone in the medical community and it seems like from a PA would be an ideal. The problem is I don't know any PA's. I am a first generation student and I am the first in my family to go into the medical field. I don't have any medical providers in my family, as family friends, or anywhere in my network.

It seems like the obvious option would be to shadow a PA. While I am willing to do that, I don't know if a PA that I've shadowed 50 hours will know me well enough to write a good LOR, not just some generic letter. The other option would be to become a scribe. My problem with that is that most scribe companies require some contract, typically 1-2 yrs depending if employment is full time or part time. I wanted to work full time in a hospital in order to get better PCE, but I'd be willing to do it part time if it meant working part time as a scribe but I don't know how I feel about signing a two year contract.

I guess I am just asking for some advice on what to do. Is shadowing 50+ hours enough time to build a solid relationship with a PA? Should I sign a contract and become a scribe?

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Guest HopeToBePAC

I don't think it would be in your best interest to get a LOR from a PA you've only shadowed 50 hours. It's just not enough time to for them to get to know you well enough to write a strong LOR. If you can get >100 hours shadowing then I would say it might be okay, so maybe try and shadow them more? Because becoming a scribe just for a LOR probably isn't the best option either. 

I will say that I wouldn't worry about getting a letter of recommendation from a PA unless the school specifically states they want a letter from a PA. From reading accepted posts many people have gotten in w/o a PA LOR. I would still make sure to get a LOR from a a supervisor/manager from a PCE job. And your other 2 could be academic in nature (i.e. professor or research coordinator or something) if you aren't able to get a PA or physician. 

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I didn't have a PA LOR when I applied and it wasn't an issue. As long as you have a letter from a PA/NP/DO/MD you should be fine.

If you don't work directly with PAs I still strongly recommend finding a PA to shadow. You will be asked about your exposure to the PA profession throughout the application process and during interviews and schools are looking for applicants with first hand exposure.

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16 hours ago, beavpa said:

I wanted to work full time in a hospital in order to get better PCE, but I'd be willing to do it part time if it meant working part time as a scribe but I don't know how I feel about signing a two year contract.


Getting quality PCE should be prioritized over getting a LOR from a PA. I did have a LOR from a PA when I applied, however, I worked with that person when I was an ER tech. She and I did not spend a large amount of time together at work, but she was aware of my work ethic and how other staff members felt about me. You do not need to scribe or shadow to meet PAs. Find a position in a field you are passionate about and let that guide you. 

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I didn't have one from a PA, though I understand some programs specifically want you to (and I know of one program specifically that doesn't publish that info but pretty much requires it). I personally wouldn't become a scribe just to get an LOR. And I honestly feel like it's very possible to build a good enough relationship with a PA from 50 hours of shadowing. It obviously depends on both of you - you need to be active and engaged, and the PA needs to honestly want to help out, but in my experience, most PAs are excited about the chance to help out students and future PAs. The PA I shadowed the most I spent about 25 hours with, and I didn't ask him for an LOR because I felt really good about my other letters, but I am positive if I had asked he would've written a solid recommendation. 

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