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What are my chances!?

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Hi all!

I am applying this upcoming cycle and am super hopeful to kill this cycle and get in anywhere that will take me. 

Overall & science GPA are both 3.2 w/ biology degree. Definitely have an upward trend with A's in a lot of major science classes, but I know it's low. 😞  I mean, these were heavy semesters while working full time and volunteering, so I'd like to think they consider these things. 

Studying to take the GRE soon.. I feel as though I lose brain cells studying for that thing. 🙄 
2,000 hours ER scribing. I currently work in scheduling at a major hospital where I live (had to get a pay increase), however, I am applying to work as a PCT, and am hopeful to get into that by April at the latest because I know I need the hours. So, probably 500ish hours in 'healthcare related experience', but I hope to have 3,000 hours by matriculation. 700+ hours volunteering, primarily not healthcare related, probably will have over 1,000 by matriculation. I have several doctors & a couple of PA's, as well as some professors to choose from to get LOR's. One physician being the assistant director of an ER. I mean, I feel as though I have great people skills and just need an interview to convince them to let me in, but, I need the interview. 😅  I could take a class this summer-- would you guys recommend? I've looked into doing UF's online certifications (they have some in some human anatomy) which would just essentially be for GPA purposes, but, $$$.  

Also, right now I have about 12 hours shadowing an ER PA. I shadowed a NP in a neuro ICU (which was SUPER interesting)(she also happens to be my mom), and have about 16 hours doing that.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for any contributions. You all rock. 

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3.2 is on the low side, but it’s not a deal breaker. The upward trend will help. Nearly everyone applying is taking heavy course loads/working multiple jobs/juggling responsibilities of having a family/raising children/etc. It won’t make a difference in how they view your GPA. 

My first piece of advice would be to get some hands on PCE as soon as possible. I was a scribe for almost two years and I loved it. I learned so much. But I left my job to work as a PT aide and then a rehab aide because I knew scribing wouldn’t be enough to get me into the programs I wanted to attend, even though I had a great GPA. With a low GPA you really need high quality PCE to offset. Make it happen! 

Make sure to do well on the GRE. Apply early and broadly. Focus on programs that emphasize last 60 credit GPAs. Write a killer personal statement. Start now if you haven’t started writing already. Have professors, PAs, peers and even people on this forum edit it for you.

Another thing, very few programs (none I know of) project hours up until matriculation. Almost all programs will just consider your hour count at the time you submit your application, so the projections are irrelevant. Focus on getting lots of hours in before submitting your app. 

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