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Feeling Uneasy??

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Hello, I recently had an interview at my top choice school and waiting to hear back is absolutely dreadful at the moment. Only school I have basically heard back from and I just am curious if others are having the feeling of going back to their interview to relive what was asked, what you responded, and how are you dealing with the uneasy feeling of not knowing if you have been accepted, waitlisted, or denied??? Anyone else feel this way??

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I lost sleep the night after I interviewed at my top choice over a question that I thought I had given a weak answer for. Once a few days passed I felt better, but honestly just remember that whatever is meant to be will be. No one has a perfect interview, and the ad comms know everyone is nervous. You are your own worst critic so try to distract yourself in the meantime and not dwell on every little detail. Good luck!! 

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My first and only interview was a mmi. On the last question I balled because the question was on a sensitive subject at the time for me. I left that day thinking I completely blew it because I didn't know how to answer the questions and who wants to accept someone who cried during the interview? I ended up getting in and didn't apply to other schools because it was my number one pick but I couldn't sleep for a week afterwards. Don't get hung up on the what ifs, you did your best and the rest is out of your control. I didn't find out until 2 months later that I had been accepted. 

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