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Continued consideration

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So I interviewed at a school a few weeks ago. Today I got an email stating that my application is under continued consideration. They said that as the interview season continues they continue to make admissions decisions on an ongoing basis.

I guess my question is how others interpret this. Is it similar to a waitlist? Are there schools that send something similar to all individuals who interview and then dont give rejections until the end of the interview cycle?

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It's exactly what they say.

They like you enough not to say no right now.  But they don't like you enough to give you a spot.  Depends on who else they interview this cycle.  If they like other people better, you could still get an outright rejection.  If they like you better than others that have yet to interview, you could get an acceptance or be waitlisted.

Some schools just tell you upfront that they consider almost all applicants after all interviews are complete - which is sort of what this is but they are just notifying you.  They might reject some outright but might reject everyone at the end.  

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