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Do we need both HCE and PCE?

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I understand the difference between HCE and PCE. Though my question is, do we need both, or are there two different categories for the purpose of applicants to distinguish between their experiences? I would think that HCE is more important, for it is hands on, paid, pt care, but I could be wrong.


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16 minutes ago, emilymuff said:

I understand the difference between HCE and PCE. Though my question is, do we need both, or are there two different categories for the purpose of applicants to distinguish between their experiences? I would think that HCE is more important, for it is hands on, paid, pt care, but I could be wrong.


Thank you

HCE (health care experience) is anything that is healthcare related but not hands on patient care, think volunteering at a hospital, being a receptionist in a medical office, doing data for patient/healthcare research. PCE (patient care experience) is anything with direct, hands-on patient care, such as CNA, MA, EMT, phlebotomist, etc. They are separated because all aspects of healthcare are important, billing and front office staff are needed just as much as doctors and PAs.

PCE is the one you want to aim to exceed expectations in. Hands-on patient care is what you will be doing as a PA so a lot of schools put great emphasis on this experience and its value. I was always told PCE is the one to aim for, and if you also have HCE that's great too but it isn't exactly necessary to get accepted. This may vary depending on the program, but most will require some number of hours of PCE and have specific requirements for what they count as this and not HCE. I was accepted with 0 HCE (but had over 6,000 hours of PCE).

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