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Different Productivity standards for PA vs NP?

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My employer has 15% higher RVU targets for PA's versus NPs.  Has anyone else come in to contact with this before?  I work in family practice at a large institution.  Our department has 3 NPs and 1 PA.  We are used interchangeably, with no difference in roles, responsibility, or pay.  We have to maintain 50%th percentile of RVU production to guarantee our salary.  The RVU targets they use are from the MGMA surveys.  So basically I am required to be more productive than the NPs for the same pay.  They have declined to compensate me for the difference, and also declined to make the targets for all Advanced Practice Providers equal.   This seems unfair to me.  Has anyone else every heard of this?  

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Not quite the same situation, but somewhat similar.  All of the NP/PAs have the same monthly RVU goal before we begin earning a bonus.  The frustrating aspect is that while I produce at least 5500 RVUs annually, I make the same base salary as the NPs who produce approximately 2600.  The bonus obviously creates significant differences in our overall income, but when I take vacation/CME/PTO I lose anywhere from $2000-$3000 monthly in bonus, while they lose nothing when they take vacation.  And if you breakdown overall $/RVU payment, she is being paid vastly more per RVU than me.  I just finished asking for a pay raise and got denied.  I have an interview at the competition coming up.  I don't know what I'm going to do, but frustrated.

Of course everything becomes even more frustrating when one of the docs leaves the breakdown of productivity on the printer and I see that I am by far the most productive provider in the clinic (out of 32 total) by over $200,000 (this is collections, not billing) and all I asked for was a $12,000 raise...oh, and that paperwork also showed the income of each physician owner.  I personally make each owner over $20,000 annually in profit and they won't give me less than $1,000 each to fund my raise...doesn't even make business sense since they know I will likely leave.

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