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How many patients a day?

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If you're salaried, then they give you as many patients as they think YOU can handle.

If you're hourly, you do the work at an appropriate pace, and every bit more work they give you costs them more.  Likewise, if they give you a crappy EMR that impairs your productivity, the cost goes to them in increased hours worked, not to you just to stay longer for free.

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7 minutes ago, rev ronin said:

If you're salaried, then they give you as many patients as they think YOU can handle.

If you're hourly, you do the work at an appropriate pace, and every bit more work they give you costs them more.  Likewise, if they give you a crappy EMR that impairs your productivity, the cost goes to them in increased hours worked, not to you just to stay longer for free.

Sounds good on paper, but all the jobs in my area are ALL salary. You can't just boycott all the jobs and most people can't move across the USA to get a job nor (like me) want to live other than the southern midwest area. So, yes that sounds great in all, but in my area that is not going to fly in almost all practices. I just set the boundaries at the interview and it works great from there. I get paid for 76 hrs per week, but work about 64 hrs per week and I am salary with a bonus structure. 

P.S. I wish I had EMR... we still paper chart.

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  • Administrator

If you interview and they want you, ask them to convert it.  If they won't, you can take it or walk.  True, when you're a new grad starting out, you will have limited leverage, but it never hurts to ask.

If they won't, then you should be aware that you can expect to be abused and exploited, because the only reason to NOT put a PA on hourly is because they fully intend you to do overtime.  These are large, corporate entities, for the most part, for whom every such decision is calculated to maximize profit.

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