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PANCE today

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I just took the PANCE today.  The test was not as bad as a lot of the posts on here make it out to be.  I think the quantity of questions is the hard part.  It is hard to believe I am 1-2 weeks from having the -C.  I have a job offer working in the Midwest in a small (10bed) ER!!  I love this forum, and I will continue to pop on here every once in awhile.

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I took PANCE yesterday and I second all of the above.  We practice 120-200 questions in a row in school, but whew 300...those breaks are much needed to regain focus.  I feel okay about the test, there were a lot of questions that you just can't cram for in those review courses, it just had to be a part of your general knowledge from school or something you picked up on rotations.  On the other hand I think the review courses do a great job preparing you for the questions that commonly occur on exams.  Practicing questions from HIPPO and PAeasy definitely prepared me for the questions they ask.  In school we also took End of Rotation exams from PAEA and those are similar and random just. like. PANCE.  I'm hoping for a quick turn around to get our results released!

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On 1/11/2018 at 11:49 AM, fakingpatience said:

I took it on Tuesday 1/2/18. No results posted yet, (im)patiently waiting

Does anyone know if scores are only released in the morning? I don’t know what I’ll do if I have to wait another week!


Same here, friend! Feels like an eternity. I have read that results are usually posted on Monday and Thursday mornings, but who knows if things have changed. Fingers crossed that MLK Jr. day doesn't preclude us from finding out this Monday! 

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Same here, friend! Feels like an eternity. I have read that results are usually posted on Monday and Thursday mornings, but who knows if things have changed. Fingers crossed that MLK Jr. day doesn't preclude us from finding out this Monday! 

So I called NCCPA today; they said they’re closed on Monday for MLK day, and if I don’t hear back by Tuesday mid afternoon to call them back. :-/ . looks like Tuesday morning it’ll be
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2 minutes ago, fakingpatience said:



So I called NCCPA today; they said they’re closed on Monday for MLK day, and if I don’t hear back by Tuesday mid afternoon to call them back. :-/ . looks like Tuesday morning it’ll be



Ahhhh! You're kidding me. What a bummer! Well, thanks so much for letting me know! Let's hope that this long wait will result in good news for us both ;) I know we're all really looking forward to that "-C" we have worked so hard to earn!

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4 hours ago, fakingpatience said:

So I called NCCPA today; they said they’re closed on Monday for MLK day, and if I don’t hear back by Tuesday mid afternoon to call them back. :-/ . looks like Tuesday morning it’ll be

So it really will be the 2 week mark. Wow! What an intense wait!

4 hours ago, fakingpatience said:




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