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Something to consider

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So, for those that have been keeping up with me know that I have my EMT cert and I have 1.5 years left of school, and I will be taking the GRE in August. Someone brought up to me how if I had my CNA cert I could get into the hospital. I did a little research of my own today and that person was certainly right. I could work part time as a er tech, patient care tech or as a CNA on different nurses services. I was curious what y'all's thoughts were with me doing the 14-16 hour course load a semester (11 credits next summer) if I should consider working even part time or just wait until I'm done with school and pick up with that ems agency to log my hours? I feel like working a part time would be do-able, considering all I'd probably do is vitals and monitor the patient, change our some stuff here and there.. and I may be able to find a weekend gig. With that being said, all of my classes that I need to finish are all upper bio and chem classes, so that is something to take into account. Thoughts?



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I took a CNA course and work in the cardiovascular icu part time while going to school full time. Outside of regular CNA duties like bathing, feeding and toileting, I get to learn about myriad cardiac drugs, procedures, and pathologies. I've been able to assist PAs putting in chest tubes, central lines, and radial art lines. I get to learn about ECMO and how to read ekg's. I even get to float to the neurotrauma icu and medical/surgical icu sometimes. Needless to say I love my job!


What's great about hospital work is that it's usually 12 hour shifts, so I can work two shifts a week during the semester and still be able to pay my bills while maintaining my GPA. I'd say it's definitely something to consider!



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I would have to agree with UGoLong. Grades first. I took physiology, genetics, stats, and another bio and chem class last year all in the same semester while working full-time. I did very well but all I was doing was work and school. I definitely felt burnt out at times and even got pneumonia at one point, but I managed. Remember to take care of yourself too and find time to decompress.

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When I was an undergrad I got a "prn' job as a CNA working 8 hour shifts. I would usually go to morning classes and then do the 3pm-8pm shift once or twice a week, or on the weekends. I didn't get any benefits and sometimes there weren't shifts to pick up but overall it was a great way to get in some hours while finishing undergrad. So rather than committing to a certain amount of hours with a part time position you could look for a prn job and work when you want, or not.

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