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I want to become a P.A !

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My name is Janeen & I'm currently serving in the U.S Air Force. But i do not intend to stay in the military. I am in school now pursuing a Bachelors in Psychology. the school on base didnt have the major i wanted which was biology. I was wondering how would i go about becoming a P.A after i finish my bachelors degree....i need as much information as i can get. thank you :=D:

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Welcome! You should start by reading everything you can on this forum including the stickied threads in the pre-PA section. Check out the websites for the AAPA and CASPA and read through both of them. Go to the list of schools on the CASPA website and start visiting those programs' sites to get an idea of what pre-reqs you will need based on where you want to apply. All of the information that you need is here but you have to invest some time and do your homework.

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Find a couple PAs and shadow them, talk to them, and get a idea of what the profession is like and where you think you would fit in it. Also, there are a lot of schools out there and they all have a different focus and mission statement. Look at your own life and goals and find a school or schools that fit that criteria. Some want more healthcare experience and others will love that you already have a degree. Some want people from the local area and others are more concerned with where you want to work when you graduate. One of my instructors in paramedic school gave us some advise for when we graduated and started looking for employment: " Date your employer for a little bit, get to know them and see if you are a good match for them and they for you. Then you can commit and get married to that job."


Hope this helps.

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