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Submit before all LOR's in?

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I currently have 2 letters of recommendation in, and am waiting on the third. I know that he is currently on vacation and will not be able to write it for at least another week or two. 


Should I submit and pay for my application now anyways? I already have his request in and he has received it. I can't tell if I'm just being too antsy and I should wait to have all of them in, or if I should submit it so that CASPA can start to verify the other parts of my application. 


Any opinions would be appreciated!



Look into the specific programs you're applying too. I wanted to have my application submitted ASAP, so as soon as I had my two required LORs submitted into CASPA, I submitted my application too all of the programs I intended to apply too. I ended up getting denied by one of my top choices for in state schools because they reviewed my application as soon as they received it. The reason for denial was that my application was incomplete, i.e. only having the two letters as part of my application (even though the 3rd letter was pending).

I would submit to just one school right now, maybe one that only requires 2 letters. It's the middle of July now so verification times are getting longer. As soon as you pay for one school and have two letters in, you will begin to be verified. Depending on when your 3rd letter comes in, you may be already verified before then!


However, be aware that once you submit to one school, most of your application locks and cannot be edited.

To echo what others said above me, check the requirements of schools before you submit in case you get rejected for missing a letter of recommendation. If I remember correctly, and I called CASPA to verify this back in May, after you e-submit your application, you can add additional letters of recommendation, just can't edit/delete LORS that have already been submitted. Of course, verify this with CASPA and the FAQS over what I say. I personally waited for my last LOR to even esubmit, but I was done in May and it was still quite early, so I could afford to wait.


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