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Salary question

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I signed a contract stating call every third week and one in four weekends. I'm supposed to be paid based on 40 hours per week and call. Salary 110k. Well that went out the window fast. I work on average 9 hrs per day and sometimes 12 hr days but sometimes 7hrs (hence the average). I have pulled 6 weeks worth of extra call without compensation since my contract was not followed. That includes two major holidays. How much should I ask for in compensation? Is 110k ok for what I originally signed on for? I have 2 years of experience - one in FP & one in GI. I'm handling inpatients almost all on my own within one year of being in GI. I see about 10 office patients (some complex) on average per day and then round at hospital.

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demand either compensation or that the other providers cover your call to keep it in contract


do not get taken advantage of


I use the 1/4 of a full days pay for call coverage for a week day

Do you get extra compensation for being on call? Do you have to actually go in when you're called or just phone calls. I have to take on call at UC if someone calls out sick or emergency. If we have to work that shift we get 25$ extra per hour. You may want to consider asking for more based on the amount of on call. Or ask to stick to the agreed upon schedule if you don't want to on call that much. What specialty are you in?



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Wondering the same thing, which specialty are you in, if in GI you can definately ask for more money.  I have been in GI for almost 14 years and can give you an idea of what our group pays.  It does vary widely, but sounds like you are taking quite a bit of call and working unusual hours and most likely more than 40 hours per week.  

I'm in GI. When I'm on weekday group call I have to go in to the hospital after office if consulted, however, if consulted after 5 then I go in the next day after work. I also handle all phone calls. Regardless if I'm on group call or not if one of my patients is hospitalized during the week then I have to go in and see them which is fine bc I see about 10 patients in office. I handle 2 hospitals. The doc doesn't ever go to the floor. All he does is procedures. Sometimes he will do a procedure and not do the consult even though he is right there next to the patient. It's irritating to take a special trip to just do the consult. I get no extra compensation for call - it is factored into my salary 110k. I am supposed to have 11 days of call per month but only 3 out of the last 12 mo have been like that. It's more like 15-18 days call per month. Weekend group call involves seeing all patients in both hospitals that belong to our group of docs as well as any new consults and fielding calls. I also have 5 and now going to 7 ED calls per month that may or may not overlap with my group calls.


Electric130 - how does your job work?

You are definately doing more than 110k worth of work, and more than what was agreed upon.  This seems to be a recurring theme though, I see this so much with PAs in the early stages of their careers, and I have been there too.  


My situation has evolved over time, I started out doing four days a week, half day in office and then consults and rounds in the afternoon and one weekend a month of doing consults and rounds.  A couple years after starting I started working for another MD in the group and negotiated working three days per week, I had my first child at that point.  I still did the weekends and started doing call over the weekend, but just answering questions from patients/nurses.  I really didn't think taking call would be bad, but it is actually very disruptive and there is a reason the docs want us to take it.  Imagine being in Target with your two kids while your husband is deployed trying to give orders for a GI bleed admit.  At that point I was sick of it but once you agree to something it is difficult to pull back.  

I recently re-negotiated no weekends and no call, I am in the office three days per week, which has been a much better fit for my situation, I really like the practice I am at so I was pleased that this re-negotiation was accepted but was prepared to take another offer if needed.


I am paid very well for part time work, probably about what an experienced ER PA makes per hour, I am very busy though and always bring in twice my salary in collections, so it is a win win for both of us.  

Most of the GI PAs that I know are making between 120-130k, especially if taking call.  I know a couple hospitalist PAs just working for GI that make around 130k.   This may be location specific though and partly supply and demand.  

I think bottom line is that you are doing more call and hours than you agreed upon.  I would keep very detailed records of how many days of call and hours worked per week over the next few months.  If you can get your collections that will help as well. If you have already tracked this I would bring it to your SP attention, I have learned that if you feel like you deserve an increase in salary, need a change in schedule, or feel like you are doing more than was agreed upon then you have to be the one to ask for these things.  It is harder when you are just starting out, it has become quite easy for me as I get older, but I think that comes with age and time.  Good luck to you, it sounds like you are doing an awesome job and working hard. 

Thanks for the advice. What state do these GI PAs make 120-130k? I am going into negotiations tomorrow since they finally found out I was looking for another job and got concerned they were going to lose me. I have no idea how much I am bringing in. I do not trust the office manager for that information. I hold a census of outpt/inpt of about 10-16 patients depending on time of year, etc. I think the most was 18. However, Friday without me even knowing it or being asked, the doc told staff to schedule more patients w me. I saw 13 pts from 9-1:30. I barely had time to wolf down my food. I ended up staying at work till 5:00 completing charts and reviewing results and calling pts back. I got done at 7:15-7:30 after rounding. How many patients do you see and in how long of a time period? Just trying to go in armed w the most information yet be realistic. I am in AZ.

I another job I know about - 1 week inpt alt w 1 week outpt. Call is one in five with at least 5-6 hrs per each weekend day. One day off before call and one day off after call. Great benes like 28 days PTO & immediate vesting w matching. 7% pay cut tho. Don't know salary % inc per year. I asked them to match my current salary & wrote an eloquent email as to why and reminded them that sometime back when I inquired about the position they said the could match my salary. In your experience is a pay cut with the job as I outlined a good move?

I am in North Carolina.  I did interview for a GI position in a more desirable area closer to my home though and the pay was considerably lower than what I make per hour, so like I said it can be all over the place.  It was still around 120k though and decent benefits.  

Outpatient I work from 9:30-5 and usually see 25 up to 30 patients in that time.  I try to do all my charting while I am there.  I will typically have 15 patients scheduled in am, 15 in pm.  We tend to have a high no show rate so I just hope that it goes down to 25 for the day.  Yes, it is very busy, I usually eat something quickly and take a 30 minute break.  I have been at this practice for a long time though and I usually know these patients really well, so my medical decision making is typically faster than someone who has even been there only a few years.  

So are you seeing total of 10-16 patients inpt and outpatient per day?  or is it 10 outpatients usually and then 10-15 inpatients?  If it is total 25 patients per day five days a week you are bringing in good money for the practice.  Even at 15 per day, working 5 days you are more than covering your salary, plus taking call for them.  

I would go to your original position and ask for 120k and state your reasons as far as the extra call and working more hours. 

The second offer seems decent but I don't know that I would take a 7% pay cut, it doesn't seem that much better than your current situation and you may end up working more at that second place too, you just really don't know until you are there, and then you are making even less money.  If they will match your salary then that may be the way to go, then I would consider the second offer.


I don't think you can go in and  say well I know someone in North Carolina making this amount, it really tends to be a local market,  but I do think you can state your case of how much work you are carrying and the extra call and probably negotiate at least 5-10k increase in salary.  


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