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What Kind of Contract to Expect with House Call Organization?

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I'll be speaking with someone soon during a second round interview for a house call position within the city I live in. I am a new grad and have no idea what to expect as far as contracts. Anyone have any insight so I know if I'm getting a good deal? I have no idea what to expect for pay. 


Some info:

Within Los Angeles

< 100 pts/month for 6 months (which is part time)

All Medicare patients 

No direct supervision (MD available for phone call)


That's all I have for now.




Agreed. Urgent Care without an on-site mentor of some sort is bad enough for new grads (because it relies on clinical judgment, which needs time to develop). House call care as a new grad is not just the Wild West, it's like Lewis & Clark or something. Completely unknown territory, with poor odds of even surviving, much less succeeding.


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