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Hey everyone - I'm looking for some insight on the interview process for programs offering multiple dates.


Does which date you choose affect your chances of acceptance?


I was recently offered an interview and given two dates to choose from. I'm wondering if choosing the second date (the first happens to fall in the middle of a vacation I had planned) will put me at a disadvantage. Do programs typically wait until both dates are completed to make admissions decisions? Or will some spots already be taken from the first session by the time I interview?


I know each program most likely has different processes, but I'd appreciate any info you have!



Thank you!!

I think this tends to be program specific. Some schools are rolling admissions and some send out their acceptances/waitlist after all interviews are conducted. One of the schools I applied to offered me three options and I took the earliest one because they were rolling admissions and I heard back from them a few days later about acceptance.


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