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How much notice?

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Well, just that.... How much notice do you recommend giving an employer before moving on? I'm in a large hospital group and would mostly be dealing with the administrators on this. Would you tell your SP at the same time?

No, it doesn't. I just want to be reasonable and give them time to do whatever they need to do to start looking for a replacement. It was a good job and I want to stay on good terms. It just didn't work out due to family reasons.

My contract requires me to give 3 months notice.  If I wasn't obligated to do that, I would give about a month.  However, it depends on the type of practice you work at.  If you have people making appointments with you 6 weeks down the road, out of courtesy, I would give your employer enough notice so that they don't schedule someone to see you.

I start my new job next week - finally! - and I gave 15 weeks notice. I also work for a large multi-specialty group, and when I had accepted the new offer I knew it would be at least 90 days. So I called HR, just to ask if there was any down-side to giving a really long notice, and they said it was great, actually. They reminded me they have MDs on record as planning to retire next spring, for example, so they have penciled in exit dates that are 6 months out. There's no problem whatsoever.


I'm leaving on very good terms, and I've always been dedicated, so I called my SP (who is also my department head) 15 weeks out, then I told my immediate supervisor a few weeks after that, and when it was about a month out I told the LPNs and MAs I work with directly.


If things were tense, if it was a job I hated, if I had no intentions of ever coming back, then I suppose I might have just looked up whatever the HR manual or contract says; that's probably 4 weeks or maybe 30 days. But our department is really busy, they need to hire more people, so I made sure to get the word to the right people nice and early, so they could plan. And they appreciate that.


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