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PTO and CME when leaving a job

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Hey all,


Thanks for all the help. I will most likely be leaving my first job. I have over 120 hours of PTO saved. I planned on using all my PTO and then giving my 2 week notice. Would this be frowned upon? I am afraid to tell my job before using the PTO because I am worried they might not allow me to even use it. Do most places let you cash PTO? If that's the case, I might cash it before putting in my notice.


Lastly, is CME prorated when you are leaving a job. For example, if you are allotted 2500 bucks towards CME for a year and I am leaving 4 months into the new fiscal year, would I only be allowed the prorated amount or could I use all the CME before leaving? Thanks in advance for the help.



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Check the policies (and contract).  All of the hospitals I've worked at have been very clear up front how PTO is handled once you give notice.  Some don't allow you to use any PTO (or it's up to manager discretion) once you give notice, some pay it out with your final paycheck, and others still say 'too bad, we're not giving you any of it'.  You likely won't be able to 'cash out' before giving notice unless you happen to fall precisely at the right time - all the places I've worked only allow 'selling' your PTO once a year at a specific time (open enrollment, maybe?) and you are limited by how much you can sell.  Depends on the company.


There's a chance that once you give notice they will 'freeze' your CME and you can't use any of it.  Again, depends on the company.  Logically it makes sense.  Why would they pay for you to maintain your certification if you're leaving?  Not saying it's right, just, logical.


EDIT:  And yes, using all 120 hours of PTO before giving notice is looked down upon.  Now, if you know you aren't giving notice until December or something....then sure, you've got time to space it out and use it.  But if you think they are going to let you suddenly take 3 weeks off....might not happen.  You can certainly try and they can't stop you from doing it but it will probably set off a red flag for them.

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