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A little mistake in a LOR will it hurt my chances?

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When reading one of my LOR I noticed that there was a little mistake within the letter. For example, the person repeated two words within a sentence (e.g. "Jim is an is an excellent employee.") Other than that the letter is great. The school I applied to takes into consideration your last 60 credits (roughly 3.7), I have nearly 3000 hours of HCE mainly as a health educator and IMO my personal essay is pretty good (so I have been told by multiple PA's, etc...) Do you think that this will hurt my chances even though I had no control over it (the person submitted the letter to CASPA before I read it) or do you think I am being to anal. Thanks for your insight.

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One of the major requirements of being a great PA is the ability to think critically. Tell me, do you REALLY believe that an AdCom is going to refuse to consider your stellar PA application because there is a TYPO in a letter that you were not supposed to have access to in the first place? And while you're pointing a finger at this person for not catching a typo in such an important letter, did you notice that you, TOO ("do you think I am being to(o) anal?") have a typo in your posting. Please pre-PAs, do yourselves a favor and don't be so panicky. Step back and think about what you are considering the death knell to your PA application and whether you're really over-reacting or not. You must learn to be an independent thinker who can look at the clues presented to you by a patient that will lead you to acceptable conclusions. It is never too early to begin. Just my humble opinion.

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SliverPA, thanks for your opinion. I didn't think that it was a big deal but just wanted some input outside of my own (kind of like being able to have a doctor as a resource for a PA.) I never pointed the finger at the person who wrote the letter. I never said anything to them about it as they did me a huge favor and I would consider it a disservice to do so. I just wanted someone else's perspective on the situation. Thanks again!

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But what I was trying to say was this: Relax. You stated very succinctly that you feel you have a great application and yet there is a part of you looking for the reason the AdCom isn't going to ask you to interview. You know in your heart that that isn't going to happen. But what you and other pre-PAs need to be concerned with is the image you project to others. Your self-confidence. Not arrogance, mind you, but self-confidence. Are you confident in your ability to be able to see and correctly diagnose/treat patients or will you always be looking to others for the answers. I want you to be able to step back and look at your own reaction that was strong enough to take the time to post on this forum and say, "Hmm. Guess I overreacted there a bit. That would be a little ridiculous, wouldn't it and if an AdCom really didn't interview me because of someone else's typo, would I want to be part of that program."


I am glad you realize the opportunity the letter writer has given you. I have written many LORs and always try to do so thoughtfully and personally. It is generally not something done in 5 minutes' time. This is, after all, personally vouching for someone's skill, character, and our belief that they will make a great PA. Typos happen. It's not the hill upon which one will die. Relax and enjoy the process. If everything is as well put together as you believe it to be (and you're most likely right), you should do well. I wish the best in your pursuit. Just trust yourself.

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I put Pap smear in all capitals (PAP smear) because I thought it was an anagram (it's the first letters of the inventor's name) in my narrative (written by me!) and so far have had a great application experience with several interviews and acceptances-so I think you are perfectly fine! Don't worry about it!

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