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To Fight Cancer, Know Thy Enemy

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I found this excellent piece on the current and future state of cancer research written by James Watson. If you remember your BIO 101, he was one of the scientists primarily responsible for discovering the structure of DNA. As a pre-PA, it was interesting reading the article and realizing that, after countless hours with my nose buried in biology and biochem textbooks, I can actually understand what's being said. And it's exciting!


If you had told me ten years ago that one day I would find biology EXCITING, I would have laughed you out of my shabby apartment. :eek:



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  • 3 years later...

Somehow I found this OLD post. I had an opportunity to attend (also 'meet and greet!') Dr. Watson's lecture on cancer over a year ago here in the Bay Area. I was very intrigued on his view and the role of genetics and pharmacogenomics played on cancer (I think I still have his Powerpoint somewhere -lost on the role of Metformin).

It made me appreciate my own research and enjoy genetics just a bit more.

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  • 5 months later...
Somehow I found this OLD post. I had an opportunity to attend (also 'meet and greet!') Dr. Watson's lecture on cancer over a year ago here in the Bay Area. I was very intrigued on his view and the role of genetics and pharmacogenomics played on cancer (I think I still have his Powerpoint somewhere -lost on the role of Metformin).

It made me appreciate my own research and enjoy genetics just a bit more.

Kismet: Is it possible you found the powerpoints? If you did can you email them to me? Thanks in advance
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