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1st Rough Draft. Honest criticism please!!

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WhenI was a little girl, I would proudly march around the house informing everybodythat I was going to be a teacher. However, every time I would tell this to mygrandmother, she would laugh and tell me that I was not going to be a teacher. I was going to be in the medical field. I wasonly in middle school at the time but looking back, it was as if my grandmotherknew what I was destined for.

Mygrandmother sadly passed away in the summer of 2007. What started as a routine gallbladdersurgery turned into the discovery of a ruptured mitral valve, two moresurgeries, and ultimately her demise. She withstood three surgeries before thephysicians determined that her brain was no longer functioning as it should. Iknow that each and every member of her medical team did everything in theirabilities to help my grandmother though. During these moments, I thought maybeI would like to be a member of this team, a team so passionate, caring, andintelligent that they cared for another’s family member until her last breathsof life. It would be an honor to be a part of such a group. But I did notalways know that I belonged among this team.

Startingin middle school, it was clear that I accelerated in math and science courses,and this trend continued into high school. Following high school, I attendedthe University of Cincinnati as a biomedical engineering major. However, I justdid not feel passionate about my engineering classes. I realized that I did notwant to be the person behind the scenes building medical devices. I wanted tobe the one using those devices and interacting with the patients. I was not surethat medical school was really the right fit for me though. That year Iresearched the physician assistant (PA) career and it sounded like the perfectblend of autonomy and team work, as well as career and family life. It waseverything I wanted without having to make the same sacrifices as physicians do.In 2009, I transferred to *BLANK* College to take a shot at the Human Biologymajor, with the next step being the PA program. I had never felt more at home. Iwould wake up each morning excited to attend class, knowing that I would learnthings that I would one day apply to my daily life. I knew I was on the rightpath.

Learningabout the human body truly fascinates me. I’m excited to know that I may soonhave the opportunity to use my academic talents to make a difference insomeone’s life if given the honor of being a part of the PA program. Suddenly I see everything in my life as beinga stepping stone on the road to becoming a PA. Realizing biomedical engineeringwas not for me set me on the correct path. Working in a nursing home on therehabilitation unit is no longer a way to get gas money, it is a way to gainexperience working with a healthcare team and thinking quickly in a stressfulenvironment. It is helping the patients to improve their quality of life aswell as bringing a smile to their face. Working part time at Stride Rite is nolonger just selling shoes to little kids. It is learning to make a child feelcomfortable and safe despite the stranger attempting to measure their foot witha “scary” metal object, much like in a medical environment. These two part time jobs also provide a deepersatisfaction when the patient or customer expresses how thorough they felt mycare was and how comfortable they felt with me. I want to feel thatsatisfaction every day. Shadowing a physician assistant and excelling in schoolas a full time student only help to give support and reassurance that the PAcareer is what I am meant to do.

Everything in my life has slowlybeen preparing me for a career as a physician assistant in one way or another. Iwas unsure of what I wanted right out of high school but I finally feel I amright where I belong. This is such an incredible opportunity and I trulybelieve that I am ready to take it on. I hope to use my talents and successesto benefit others in a way that not just any professional can. I know I ammeant to serve others. I just need the education and the training to do so.


Working in a nursing home on therehabilitation unit is no longer a way to get gas money, it is a way to gainexperience working with a healthcare team and thinking quickly in a stressfulenvironment.


Love that. Great start ... put it away for a day or two, then come back to it and tighten it up. P.S., you want to capitalize Physician Assistant.

Agree with just about everything PAMAC says ... maybe you can condense the part about your grandmother into a couple of concise sentences, and start out with a better intro. Except the part about the brannock, I think that was great ... sounds like you had some insight that will lead to an attitude towards medical procedures in the future, that will be quite valuable. It's the little lessons in life ...........


Thanks PAMAC, for reminding me about that aspect of essay writing ... make everything positive, don't state anything negatively ... the Professor who proofread my PS told me the same.

and btw, i know it is called a brannock. just didnt know if the people reviewing my essay would. how should i go about that? put brannock or keep the other? i would keep the other possibly in case most people didn't know what it was and plus just to point out that that is what it is to kids, a scary metal object! thanks for everybodys input so far. keep it coming!


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