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Help with interview blunder

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I had my interview on 10/20. During one of them, the interviewer pointed out that I made a terrible mistake by writing "I shadow Dr. ... who is a pa interventional radiologist at ....". She said a PA is never a referred to as Dr. and can be a radiologist. She then asked me why I wrote that. Being completely nervous and not thinking straight, I told her it was an error and due to his professionalism, when writing the statement, I mistakenly wrote Dr. I blundered even more by saying another PA I know is referred to as a Dr. is she has been in the profession for so long and her patients just call her that even though they know she is a PA. The interviewer responded that it is illiegal for them to misrepresent themselves and if I understood their mistake.


Now I'm stuck- I'm nervous on both PA parts that I just totally blabbered and could get them in trouble.


Should I email the interviewer and tell her I understand the error in my personal statement and it was a mistake on my part and that these PA are professionals and always introduce themselves as physician assistants??


Please help!

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Uh, mistakes happen.  Under educated patients also routinely referred to the PA I shadowed as a Dr.  Sounds like this adcom is a little power trippy, with the caveat being yeah you kinda messed up your answer to their question haha.  It probably wouldn't hurt to include that in your "thank you" email if you haven't already sent it.

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So I actually hand wrote and mailed a thank you letter and did not include this.

Do you think I should send an additional email?


I was surprised that I received an interview after making such a blunder- and my 2nd interviewer didn't even mention anything about this.


Thanks for your help!

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