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Re-Writing Personal Statement as Second Time Applicant

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I am currently re-applying and I am unsure on how to approach my personal statement. Of course I will now have to address not being accepted and what I have been doing in the last year but should I completely re write the rest? I am confident I'm the quality of my previous ps as well as it's message; however, I don't want to look as if I was unwilling to write another ps? Any advice would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance!

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I am in the same boat!!! I have spoken to several PA students (one of which was accepted as a reapplicant), and they all said you definitely need to rewrite the entire essay. In fact, one student was even under the impression that they still had your old one (I don't know if this is true or not). It's stressful to have to rewrite it, but the focus should probably be a little different. I know for my first essay, I was writing more about my passion for entering the healthcare field, and I was told my second essay should really be more specifically about why I want to become a PA. I think the biggest thing is to speak with admissions offices to get an impression of why you were not admitted, and try to write about how you have bettered yourself over the past year (or 6 months, as the case may be). I'm struggling quite a bit trying to rewrite it too, so you're not alone. Hope that helps! Best of luck!

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