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Direct/Indirect Patient Care

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Direct: Certified, hands on patient care.  Vitals taking, following provider plans, executing protocols, care of the patient themselves.  EMT, CNA, MA, PT aide, and the like.


Indirect: Being around patients and aiding care without any therapeutic touch: Patient transporter, receptionist, volunteer anything except EMT, research assistant, scribe, and the like.


Neither is an exhaustive list, but I hope that gets you started in the right direction.

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Direct patient care: any form of position that allows you to interact and provide some level care.

  • assess/diagnose
  • Vitals
  • Height and weight
  • phlebotomy
  • EKG and Telemetry
  • glucometry
  • Stress testing

...you get the point


Indirect: mostly administrative tasks; filing, meeting and greeting, transporting, sitting...etc


EMT is widely accepted as direct patient care experience. Others include CNA, EKG Tech, Holter monitor tech, Phlebotomy to those that require longer training, LPN, MA, RN, EMT-P, Radiologic Technologist, Respiratory Therapist...etc.

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