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Is applying in late July too late? What are my chances of getting an interview?

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Maybe I'm just having major anxiety over the whole process of applying to PA school.  I just submitted the majority of my PA school applications on July 13 for CASPA verification.  Most of the schools to which I'm applying have deadlines of October or later.  With seeing some user's applications being verified in May and June, I'm concerned that my application to schools may be too late or that I won't have a chance at an interview.  



Age: 30+

Patient Care Hours: 2000+ as an EMT (rural and urban experience)

Shadowing Hours: 80+

Est. GPA: 3.3 (estimate might be on the low end)

Volunteer Hours: 8,000+ (community involvement/organizations, coach)



Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! :)


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Hi! It depends on the programs you are applying to. Some programs have rolling admissions. These programs review applicants as soon as the applications are received. I have seen that these types of programs are already extending invites for interviews, even though their cut off deadline for applications is in the fall. Other programs do not have rolling admissions, so they won't review applicants until after the deadline and then they will start interviews. Don't be discouraged! :) Check the websites of the schools you are interested in to see what their policies are. All the best to you! I can relate to how you are feeling!

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Hey there,

I am still waiting to be verified by CASPA so I'm in the exact same boat as you.  Some of my schools have rolling admissions and I just look on helpless as people talk about their interview invites and even acceptances.  But I just tell myself there's nothing I can do about it now.  I had to wait until July to apply because I had to get my HCE hours up to 1000.  I had no other choice.  (You have way more than me! ) That, and the fact that I didn't realize how slow CASPA could be with certain things.  So I just tell myself that I've done the best that I could with my particular set of circumstances.  If it's not enough this year then I will have to accept it and try again next cycle.  It ain't over till the fat lady sings so try to stay positive.  We still have a lot of time to make it in.  Go team!!

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