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Question about HCE

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CASPA now breaks down hours. 

- Patient Care Experience (PCE) is where you actually touch the patient and provide care (RN, EMT, ER Tech, Etc.).

- Healthcare Experience (HCE) is where you work in healthcare in other capacities (lab tech, scribe, orderlies, instructor, administration, etc.)

- Other work experience is paid work outside of healthcare.

- Volunteer experience is where you give your time back to the community, for free, outside of healthcare (meals on wheels, habitat for humanity, volunteer reading at retirement homes, etc.)

- Shadowing is following around a provider to learn about their jobs.


If the flexibility exists, get PCE over HCE.  Volunteer when and where you can (doing what is of interest to you, not just sticking a check in the box) and shadow enough to know (intelligently) what you are trying to get onto.

I don't know what a rad health assistant does, so I don't know where it counts, but scribe is HCE. 


Consider volunteering as an EMT.  At least in Maryland, they will send you to EMT course for free.  You give your time doing PCE.  Also, there are volunteer experiences (food drives, fundraisers, etc.) with the fire department to help there as well.  Good luck to you and search on this forum.  Lot of other options have been presented in other posts similar to this one.

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I think you would have to ask each individual program.  For example, the school I currently attend has two tiers of HCE.  They require a minimum of 1,000 (even though class average was closer to 3,000).  However, only 500 hours can be counted from lower tier HCE such as being a scribe for example.  So even though you have 3,000+ as a scribe, only 500 would count. I would call each program interested and ask. 

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