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Another LOR question

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I requested an LOR from a professor after he enthusiastically agreed to write one.  This was over a month ago...I sent out a friendly reminder email, but it dawned on me that this professor is likely now gone on a summer-long mission trip and will not get my reminder email until he gets back in August, which is far too late to worry about.  This was the only academic letter I had lined up, and I really trusted this prof to get it done, now looks it it's not going to happen.


For those schools requiring an academic letter of reference...has anyone been in this situation?  Thanks kindly.

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That is a tough one...sorry to hear that! In this case, I would try to find another professor to write one. You still have time to request it and have them write it as soon as possible. If that is not an option, you will just have to wait until August when your professor gets back. You are either compromising time (how early you would send in your application) or quality of your academic letter...and I think it is more important to have a good quality letter from a professor. Unless your programs specifically do not require a letter from a professor (which I think most do) then you can't submit without an academic reference.


I am pretty sure you can still submit your CASPA with only 2 letters, so if you are just waiting on that last letter than go ahead and submit your CASPA without it...that way you don't spend more time waiting for It to be verified, etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I understand how stressful your situation can be right now. I was in the same boat as you. I had initially requested my professor to have the evaluation submitted by end of May and despite multiple attempts to follow-up, I did not hear back from him until now. I was able to find another evaluator, not a faculty member but an academically-related reference, who could attest my academic abilities and work ethic.


I know that finding a different professor as your reference will be difficult for the time being. Like what Cinidi23 said, unless the program that you really wish to attend to makes it clear that the letter has be come from a faculty, I would search for another evaluator that truly knows you and is willing to write you a strong letter. Also, I think that you should submit your CASPA application as soon as you can as soon as you get 2 out of 3 letters in. Keep in mind that toward peak months (July-Sept?), it may take up to weeks for your application to be verified. I believe that your evaluation letters can be submitted even after you submit the application. Best of luck to you!

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